books to encourage and inspire the homeschool mom

5 Books to Encourage the Homeschool Mom’s Heart

Along my homeschool journey they have been a few books that have really touched my heart. Ones that have offered words of sweet encouragement, fortifying my resolve that yes, I can do this. And do it well.

Don’t we all need that reminder sometimes? A little encouragement from someone who has “been there, done that” to remind us that everything is going to work out.

Suggestions for how we can improve or ideas we might not have thought about.

Here are a few of my favorite reads that have helped to shape my homeschool journey and heart.

five books to encourage and inspire the homeschool mom.

Books Every Homeschool Mom Should Read

Teaching from Rest: A Homeschooler’s Guide to Unshakable Peace by Sarah Mackenzie

best books about homeschooling

This book is my absolute all time favorite. I love it so much I recommend it to all my mother friends regardless of if they homeschool.

It is not a very long read, but the pages are filled with insights and inspiration that will leave you feeling determined to be better.

My pages are marked with notes and favorite passages are highlighted. I probably read it at least once a year, sometimes more. Whenever I’m feeling weary or discouraged because our homeschool has been derailed, I pull out my much loved copy and read.

Sometimes I start from the beginning and read through. Other times I flip through stopping to read passages I’ve marked and annotated beside.

Teaching from Rest is the perfect reminder that I’m not supposed to do it all. I’m simply supposed to “bring my basket” and let God do the rest.

I have so many favorite passages, but let me share just two with you:

Whatever is getting in the way of your plan for the day–the toddler’s tantrum, the messy bedroom, the sticky juice leaking all over the fridge and into the cracks of the drawers, the frustrated child, the irritable husband, the car that won’t start, the cake the dog dragged under the couch. . .whatever that intrusion into your grand plan for the day is, it’s also an opportunity to enter into rest. . . Surrender your idea of what the ideal homeschool day is supposed to look like and take on, with both hands, the day that it is.

best books for homeschool moms
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The daily mundane is holy ground because the ordinary tasks of a monotonous Monday are where we meet our Maker.

On a side note, I was able to hear Sarah speak and meet her afterwards and she is just as sweet as you might think from reading her book.

teaching from rest Sarah Mackenzie

Becoming MomStrong: How to Fight with All That’s in You for Your Family and Your Faith by Heidi St. John

best books about homeschooling

I’ve heard Heidi St. John speak a few times, but I only recently picked up a copy of her book Becoming MOMStrong. Heidi is a bold defender of the Christian faith who isn’t afraid to speak the truth even in the face of opposition.

In her book Becoming MOMStrong, Heidi reminds us that if we want to raise children who are willing to live counter to the culture which surrounds them, then they are going to need MomSTRONG mom’s who know how to fortify their own faith. How better to teach how to live the gospel and rely on the Lord than by example?

Using examples from her own life, Heidi gives mom’s the encouragement that they can do this by pointing them to the One who can help them accomplish what He has called them to do.

Here are a few of my favorite quotes from her book:

MomStrong moms trust God to help them model healing for their children–even if it means their kids see them cry.

God knows the hearts of tired mothers intimately because He works the night shift with us.

Lies Homeschooling Moms Believe and Lies Homeschool Teens Believe by Todd Wilson

best homeschool books encouragement for moms

Todd Wilson, aka The Family Man, uses humor to address common lies that both moms and teens in the homeschool community believe.

More than likely you or your teens have fallen prey to one or more of the lies he addresses.

Lies such as:

“Everyone else’s kids are better than yours.”

“Every other mom loves homeschooling her kids.”

“I’m missing out on all kinds of fun.”

“My mom isn’t qualified to teach me (real teachers are better).

Pointing out that these lies are from the adversary, Todd then gives the truth to combat them.

Each chapter has discussion questions and a place to write down your answers. These were great to use to discuss with our teen girls who sometimes fall prey to believing the grass is greener on the other side.

And it was a good reminder to me that other homeschooling moms often feel the same way I do. Satan wants us to feel like we are alone in our thoughts of insecurity, but the truth is every homeschool mom as one time or another feels the same way.

Finding the Faith to Homeschool High School: Weekly Reflections for Weary Parents by Lee Binz

finding the faith to homeschool high school encouragement for moms

I found this book right after my oldest daughter began high school. It had been a rough year–we moved, I had a baby and post-partum depression, both my grand mother and sister-in-law passed away. The result was feeling far from adequate to continue teaching high school.

I appreciated the weekly encouragement that it would all work out. I could homeschool high school.

More Books to Encourage the Homeschool Mom

Books are a great source of encouragement.

I hope that you have found a new book or two to add to your library to pull out and refill your pitcher when it gets low.

Here are a few more homeschooling books on my shelf I would recommend:

Mother Culture for a Happy Homeschool by Karen Andreola

However Imperfectly by Andrew Pudewa

Introverted Mom: Your Guide to More Calm, Less Guilt, and Quiet Joy by Jamie C. Martin

The Read-Aloud Family by Sarah Mackenzie

The Brave Learner by Julie Bogart

What about you?

What books have shaped your homeschooling journey? Do you have a go-to book when you need encouragement?

For busy mom’s who may not have a lot of time to sit down and read, look into audio books. Sign up to try Audibles and get two free audio books.

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  1. I’ve only read Teaching From Rest – I will have to take a look at the others. Thanks!

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