MYTEK LAB programming class

Learn Programming Skills with Online Technology Classes from MYTEK LAB

We live in a world run by code. Our kids nowadays are surrounded by technology from the moment they’re born. Living in one of the tech capitals, the pressure for kids to begin coding before they can talk is real. Impractical, certainly, but there nonetheless.

The thing is, not all coding programs or courses are equal. Whenever I hear parents mention their child is interested in coding, there is usually another parent who mentions some free coding website. Block coding is not really coding, though. And typically, kids outgrow them fairly quickly.

live programming classes from mytek labs

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by MYTEK LAB. I received compensation in exchange for my honest opinion.

When it comes to teaching our kids programming skills, we have tried books on how to code and self-paced classes. Both have their uses and limitations. But, rarely have we had the opportunity to participate in a live programming class like those with MYTEK LAB. I’ll be honest with you, having a live instructor with whom you can ask questions is very valuable.

Technology Education with MYTEK LAB

MYTEK LAB is the brainchild of Stephen and Jacky Souders. Stephen has a master’s degree in Computer Information Systems while Jacky has her degree in early childhood education. Together they make a dynamic duo. Jacky will welcome the students and then Stephen takes over the teaching.

There are many different class offerings geared toward students in 3rd-12th grade. If you homeschool, your high school students can earn programming credit through the MYTEK LAB classes.

Classes offered include:

  • Technology Lab levels 1, 2, 3, and 4
  • 3D Modeling and Animation
  • Programming 1
  • Software Engineering
MYTEK LAB programming class schedule

You can see the full listing of classes and times by checking out the class schedule.

Live Programming Classes with MYTEK LAB

Haydn is taking the Programming I class through MYTEK LAB. For him, having a live teacher makes all the difference. Having someone to give him immediate feedback and help him problem-solve when something isn’t working as it should is a valuable component to him. It allows him to move forward and learn from his mistakes without feeling like he is stuck on them. Stephen is patient in explaining the reasoning behind troubles and guiding the students through the steps.

online programming classes

In addition to the online classes, students can submit assignments to be graded. From a parent’s perspective, the class allows me to be rather hands-off. I do remind Haydn of the class time and check in on him to make sure things are being done, but I’m glad I don’t have to grade any of the assignments. Especially since I’m not sure where I’d begin.

One of his favorite projects was learning how to create a 3D model to print using our 3D printer. Even if you don’t have a 3D printer, many libraries now have ones you can reserve to use. It’s a great opportunity for them to apply what they learned in creating something.

What About Flexibility?

In our homeschool, flexibility is critical. I want to be able to take vacations, field trips, or whatever when it’s convenient to us. I don’t want to be beholden to schedules. With MYTEK LAB students get access to all the class recordings. When we went on vacation, he was able to use the recordings to catch up.

Benefits of MYTEK LAB Online Technology Classes

live online programming classes

Knowledgeable Instructor

Haydn is enjoying his foray into live online technology classes. He has a knowledgeable instructor and is able to take the class with other kids his age who share an interest in programming.

Positive Technology Usage

Programming also gives him positive time on the computer. We want our kids to use technology. We just want them to use it wisely. Working on programming assignments gives him an opportunity to interact with technology with purpose. It allows him to be an active rather than passive user of technology.

Encourages Growth Mindset

Programming encourages a growth mindset. Mistakes are seen as learning opportunities. The whole class can learn from mistakes others make and use them to improve their own performance.

Expands Future Opportunities

Even learning programming basics expands future opportunities for our children. It opens them up to a possible career in software engineering or other STEM-related fields. And because it is so prevalent in our everyday life, deepens their understanding of the world around them.

If you are looking for a live online programming class for your child, then give MYTEK LABS a try.

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