Sonlight Science curriculum

Discover & Do with Sonlight Science Hands-On Kindergarten Curriculum

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Sonlight Science. I was compensated for my time in exchange for an honest review.

There are two things I like in any curriculum: good books and a hands-on element. Especially for kindergarten. And especially for science.

Little kids do not want to read (or listen to, in their case) a dry textbook teaching them about science. They want books with colorful pictures and easy-to-understand information. Sonlight is known for its literature-rich education and this includes its Kindergarten science curriculum.

hands-on science curriculum
Sonlight science K

A Literature-Rich Kindergarten Homeschool Science Curriculum

We are using Sonlight Science K, which comes with 11 beautifully illustrated books. My daughter can’t wait to read them all! (Her siblings have already read through them! A good book does not go unread for long in this house.)

Sonlight science K homeschool curriculum 
Discover & Do

Once finished these books will serve as great reference books in our home library. Every time she re-reads them she will remember what she learned and (perhaps) even pick up new information.

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Kids Can #Discoveranddo with Sonlight Science

Even more than colorful books, when it comes to science kids want to get their hands dirty. They want to make their own ant’s nest, create an ant model and pretend to be ants collecting food. Children want to discover and do on their own. This makes Sonlight Science with its Discover & Do element the perfect choice.

I love this model because the books provide the context for what they are learning about and then the experiments allow the kids to discover and do, testing out the scientific experience for themselves.

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homeschool kindergarten curriculum

For example, in the Kindergarten level we are using, the first several lessons are on ants. There is a short Usborne book about ants that provides the context. The first week, we learned all about ant habitats. At the end of the week, my daughter experimented with building her own ant habitats using kinetic sand, which was provided in the Discover & Do Science: Kindergarten Supplies Kit.

The experiment was a direct correlation to what she had been learning about. It reinforced her learning and knowledge of ant habitats.

She loved the book and she loved creating her own ant habitat afterward.

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homeschool kindergarten curriculum

Discover & Do Science Experiments and Videos

All of the experiments are found in their Discover & Do Science book. The book is full color and laid out nicely for the parent. The key concepts section allows you to quickly glance and know what you need to focus on. Each experiment tells you what you need to do before you begin so you aren’t caught unprepared. And it gives you a nice little introduction before laying out the experiment steps so you can teach your child more about what they will be doing and why. There are also fun tidbits of information found in boxes in the margin that are fun to share.

#discoveranddo Sonlight science K review

New Discover & Do Science Videos

New to the Sonlight Science curriculum is the Discover & Do science videos. These videos complement the experiments. They are short and fun and serve as another method to help children solidify what they are learning. The experiment is also completed in the videos, so children can see how to do it on their own.

Discover & Do kindergarten science videos

My daughter laughed at and happily interacted with the host. She thought he was funny and was eager to do the experiment on her own afterward.

Sonlight Science Lesson Plans and Worksheets

The Instructor’s Guide for Sonlight Science curriculum comes ready to be placed in a 3-ring binder. The lessons are laid out for a 4-day week. I found it organized and very easy to use. The worksheets are placed behind the lessons they accompany making them easy to locate. My daughter and I did the worksheets together so I kept them in my binder, but if she was older, I would have pulled them out for her.

Sonlight Science K lesson plan

Quick, Easy Homeschool Science Lessons

I loved that these lessons are quick and easy. They took us about ten minutes to complete, except experiment days. We would read a few pages from the book and then answer a couple of questions about what we read.

Sonlight Science K Discover & Do worksheets review

Because the lessons were short and straight to the point, my daughter was able to stay fully engaged for the whole time. And they were easy for me to fit into our day. Finding ten minutes to fit in an open-and-go science lesson was easily doable.

Each week also included an activity you could do together, such as pretending to be ants looking for food or creating your own snowflakes. These were only one day a week, so on those days lessons would be slightly longer, but not much.

In the video below, you can see just how quick and easy a lesson really is. This is my daughter, Lenora, and I doing the Week 3, day 10 Sonlight Science K lesson.

Discover & Do with #SonlightScience in Your Homeschool

If you are looking for an outstanding, hands-on, literature-based science curriculum for your homeschool, then look no further.

Sonlight Science is updating its current K-E curriculum. In addition to designing it to meet the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), Sonlight Science levels K-E give an even more interconnected experience. Each experiment ties directly to what the students are reading each week.

You will love its ease of use and high science standards. Not to mention all the amazing books you get to add to your library.

Discover and Do Sonlight Science homeschool kindergarten curriculum

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