lenora in teal unicorn outfit with pink backpack on first day of homeschool kindergarten

Make Your First Day Back to Homeschool Special

I remember clearly our first day back to homeschool after beginning the previous year. Feeling much more confident, I was excited. Our curriculum was laid out fresh and ready to go. We were going to rock our first day back to homeschool.

By the end of the day, I had made every single one of my kid’s cry. It was the worst first day of homeschool ever!

But it made me realize one thing–I needed to do better. When my kids were in public school, the first day of school was always met with excitement. A special breakfast, a new outfit. It was a big deal.

I needed to put that same amount of effort into our first day of homeschool each year so it didn’t feel like “just another day.”

Over the years we have experimented with different ideas to make that first day back to homeschool feel special. Let me share with you a few of our favorites.

picture of mom and son doing schoolwork with text that reads how to make back to homeschool special

Take Kids Back to (Home)School Shopping

When my kids were in public school, they loved going back to school shopping. Who can blame them? Office supplies put a smile on my face too. But when we started homeschooling, this changed. I was still gathering school supplies when they went on sale, but my kids were missing out.

Then one year I had an upcoming kindergartener who wanted to go to public school. Why? Because she wanted a backpack. She wanted to go school shopping and get a backpack. To her, that was what defined “being in school.”

homeschool supplies-notebooks, pens, colored pencils, paper clips, crayons

So now we take kids back to homeschool shopping. We replace backpacks if needed, grab some notebooks, and buy a plethora of glue sticks.

It’s simple, it’s fun, and it helps spread the excitement of a new school year.

Related| Must-Have Essentials for Every Homeschool Room

First Day of Homeschool Pictures (& Outfit)

Once August rolls around, social media feeds become inundated with parents posting pictures of their kid’s first day of school. There is absolutely no reason not to jump on this bandwagon.

Lenora on her first day on homeschool kindergarten in teal unicorn outfit and pink backpack
The first day of homeschool Kindergarten–complete with a backpack to make it “official.”

We like to let kids pick out a new back to (home)school outfit for the first day of homeschool pictures. Seeing the outfit hanging in their closet just waiting to be worn, builds excitement for a new homeschool year.

Special First Day of Homeschool Breakfast

Most days throughout the year, my kids fix their own breakfast when they get up. But on the first day of a new homeschool year, we all sit down together, even dad. Our special events breakfast is french toast casserole, with homemade whipped cream, and berries.

Decide what your special breakfast is, then make a point to start the homeschool year all together.

plate of french toast casserole with whipped cream, strawberries and bananas

Introduce New Homeschool Curriculum for Each Kid

I take that first day back to sit down with each of my kids and walk them through all of the subjects they will be doing. I explain how each curriculum works (especially if it’s new) and what will be expected in terms of assignments and effort. Then, I let them browse through them. Usually, they are present when our curriculum arrives on the doorstep, but I guard it like a dragon guarding treasure until we start our homeschool year. Otherwise, I risk it vanishing or getting damaged before we even start.

Olivia standing by her huge pile of Bookshark curriculum for the year

Beginning of the School Year Self-Portraits

One of the first assignments I give my kids is to create a self-portrait. This is really fun if you remember to do it again at the end of the year. You’ll be amazed not only at the difference in skill level but in how they view themselves from the beginning of the year.

If you are wiser than me, you will save all of these from year-to-year.

image of haydn with his self-portrait for back to homeschool activity

Set Goals with Each Kid for the Homeschool Year

Goal setting is so important to teach kids and the beginning of the school year is a great time to set new goals. We have four areas we ask our kids to set goals in:

  • Spiritual
  • Intellectual
  • Physical
  • Social

Kids can choose to set goals and work in each area, or to focus on one at a time. We also make sure they are SMART goals, meaning they are:






We use the free Goal Setting Worksheet Printables below. I put them in cheap Dollar Store frames and then let kids write their goals on the glass with dry erase markers. These then get put in their rooms where they can see them daily. It also allows them to easily change or update their goals throughout the year.

image of goal setting worksheets for kids one for girls and one for boys with text click to download

Related| Success Workbook: Goal Setting for Teens

Keep it Simple

Last, keep it simple. You are easing back into the homeschool routine. Trying to get everything up and running that first day is a recipe for stress and tears. Let it be fun. We never do all our subjects on that first day back to school. I let my kids pick the subjects they are most excited about and start on them. The next day, we add a little more. The goal is to have everything in place by the end of the week.

On your first day back to homeschool, work on building excitement for a new homeschool year. Spend the rest of the week easing them back into a routine. Both you and they will be better for it.

And lastly, enjoy a brand new homeschool year that is filled with possibilities for awesome adventures!

Check Out These Other Back to Homeschool Posts

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