high school homeschool curriculum

Our High School Homeschool Curriculum Choices (for 9th & 12th)

Inside: Our homeschool High School curriculum for ninth and twelveth grade.

After having Hand, Foot, and Mouth ravish our house, we are back in the full swing of things. And that means I have TWO in high school!

This year I will be graduating Raena, my oldest, which is both exciting and a little sad. There were many times when I wasn’t sure I could homeschool high school. But we persevered, found what worked for us, and now here we are! Eight months away from launching our first arrow into the world and praying we’ve done enough she sails straight.

This year will be full of filling out applications for both colleges and scholarships. Her first scholarship award (for 4 years tuition!) came in the mail a week or so ago making it all the more real.

Allie, my second oldest, started her first year of high school and that is a different sort of exciting. She’s as different from her sister as day from night. Despite having done this once before, I feel like I’m on a new journey. Thankfully, I’ve more confidence now and know it can be done.

High School Homeschool Curriculum

Here is what the year looks like for my Senior and Freshman.

Raena–12th Grade Homeschool Curriculum

high school homeschool curriculum
This post contains affiliate links.

American Government (Fall)–SchoolhouseTeachers.com

Economics (Spring)–SchoolhouseTeachers.com

Age of Revolution III (1865-2000)–TruthQuest

British Christian Literature–Lightning Literature

Logic I & Logic II–Memoria Press

Trigonometry–Thinkwell Math

Seminary –Religious Studies through our Church

Cantare Advanced mixed choir–local high school

Dave Ramsey Finance Course (Spring)–through co-op

Conversational Spanish–Talkbox.mom

Allie–9th Grade Homeschool Curriculum

high school homeschool curriculum

Age of Revolution I (1600-1800)–TruthQuest through SchoolhouseTeachers.com

Early to Mid 19th Century American Literature–Lightning Literature

Easy Grammar Ultimate Series: Grade 9–Easy Grammar (review coming soon!)

Vocabulary for Classical Roots C–Vocabulary for Classical Roots

The Elegant Essay–Institute for Excellence in Writing

The Fallacy Detective by Nathaniel Bluedorn

Health and Nutrition–Apologia

Geometry–CTCMath (Mr. D Math through SchoolhouseTeachers.com is better, but she wanted to stay with CTC.)

Beginning Drawing–Creating a Masterpiece (review to come soon!)

Coding–Code for Teens

Seminary–Religious studies through our church

Beginning Dance (Fall)–local high school

Ceramics (Fall)–local high school

Dave Ramsey Finance Course (Spring)–through co-op

Weights (Spring)–local high school

Conversational Spanish–Talkbox.mom

I am really looking forward to our year!

Raena’s classes are mostly filler because she doesn’t really need much to be done. Even though I get to determine her graduation requirements, I try to make sure we meet the entrance qualifications for colleges she is interested in.

Allie’s courses are a little elective heavy right now. Once she figures out which ones she’s really interested in pursuing, we’ll narrow it down.

Homeschool Extracurriculars

Aside from their regular classes, both are active in our community. They’ve both been selected to participate in our city’s Teen Court program and are very excited for that.

Raena is serving on the choir council as the historian at the local high school.

Allie was selected to be part of the Police cadet program and has been participating in boot camp the last several weeks.

Both girls are still active in the local young adult program at our library.

Both hold leadership positions in our local church youth groups.

Allie is also hoping to try out as catcher for the high schools softball team in the fall.

They should be delightfully busy this year. Thankfully, Raena earned her license just before school started so she is able to drive them to all their myriad activities.

Let’s Stay in Touch!

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Did you know that SchoolhouseTeachers.com gives you access to curriculum from other companies as well?

A membership will allow you to access history courses from DriveThru History and TruthQuest as well as self-paced math classes from Mr. D Math. There are also others in addition to myriad other classes. Some of these classes would be more than a membership to SchoolhouseTeachers.com if you purchased them separately!

This is one of the reason why our family loves SchoolhouseTeachers.com for our high school homeschool curriculum. Right now they are running a back-to-school special that you don’t want to miss.

Memoria Press
homeschool roundup

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  1. That sounds like a busy year; how nice to have another driver in the house. My oldest is starting his sophomore year in high school and while I found 9th grade to be intimidating we’re really looking forward to starting this year. Thanks for linking up with us at Encouraging Hearts and Home. Pinned.

    1. I think that first year is always intimidating. But once you get that under your belt the rest are better.

  2. dawnpeluso says:

    My oldest is in 8th so we are looking at high school curriculum for next year. Great ideas.

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