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CTCMath is the Best Curriculum to Conquer Math Learning Gaps

Inside: How to use CTCMath online math curriculum to fill in math learning gaps. This is a sponsored post. I was compensated for my time and an honest review.

Learning gaps. We all have them. Those little holes in our knowledge bank of information. When learning gaps appear in our child’s math education, it can be detrimental to their forward progress.

Finding the right homeschool math curriculum can fill in those gaps.

CTCMath online homeschool math; best curriculum for filling in math learning gaps

What is a Math Learning Gap and How Does it Occur?

A learning gap appears in a child’s math education when they fail to know a math skill they should have already mastered. For example, a seventh grader who doesn’t remember how to add fractions.

Even in a homeschool setting, children are not immune from math learning gaps. Some reasons math learning gaps may occur in a homeschool environment:

  • A change in math curriculum. Changing from a spiral to mastery approach or vice versa or simply moving from one curriculum to another will produce math gaps.
  • Moving from public school to homeschooling. A child moving from public school may have gaps in their math education caused by missing the day the lesson was taught, the teacher covering the topic too quickly, or the child not understanding the explanation.
  • They forget. Sometimes a child learns a skill well enough to pass it off, but not thoroughly enough to commit to long-term memory. Even though the skill appears to have been mastered, it’s actually not.

The Problem with Math Learning Gaps

Unlike others subjects, such as history, knowledge and progression in math builds upon previous math skills and knowledge. A child who is missing or has forgotten a math skill will have trouble mastering newer skills.

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This often leads to frustration in the child and can cause a child to hate math or think they’re not good at it.

Filling in those gaps in a child’s math education will increase their understanding and build their confidence.

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CTCMath is the Solution to Conquer Math Learning Gaps

In our homeschool, I have found math learning gaps resulting from each of the reasons I listed above.

With CTCMath I can easily find and fill in those gaps.

With access to all grade levels, I can assign lessons where my children need them. I even have the ability to hide the grade level so there is no embarrassment from doing “lower-level” math. When I realized my daughter didn’t know how to change decimals into fractions or my son hadn’t learned weights yet due to a change in curriculum, I was easily able to assign those lessons.

I can also add problems to the Questions Bank Wizard to give my children extra practice in mastering a skill or refresh a previously learned skill.

ctcmath homeschool math curriculum

Instead of waiting for gaps to emerge, I utilize the diagnostic tests to see where we need to focus. This was especially helpful when we moved from our previous curriculum.

Adding a weekly revision set to my elementary and middle school student’s tasks also helps to reinforce previously learned topics to prevent gaps from forming.

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CTCMath Homeschool Family Membership

ctcmath online homeschool math curriculum; math learning gaps

We choose to use CTCMath Homeschool Family membership to be proactive in conquering math learning gaps. The Homeschool Family membership gives you yearly access for your whole family. CTCMath is offering a 50% discount for homeschool families.

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Unsure if CTCMath is right for your family? Try their FREE TRIAL and start conquering math.

conquer math learning gaps with ctcmath

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One Comment

  1. Wow! Thanks for sharing this. I think CTC Math Curriculum can help my kids in learning math. I am really struggling to homeschool my children in math. I am really bad at that.

    In my case, I already tried an online math school tutorial ‘coz I can’t teach my kids on my own.


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