Does Your Child Want to Learn to Code? {Review}

More and more kids, especially teenagers, are dipping their toes into the world of computer programming.  After all, we now have a generation who have never known life without cell phones, computer animated movies, and 3D gaming.  Kids these days are incredibly tech savvy and many are interested in the how behind their favorite hobbies.  This leaves many parents scrambling for coding classes for their kids.

coding classes for kids

Enter CodeWizardsHQ.  CodeWizardsHQ is a program that offers LIVE computer coding classes for children in 5th-10th grade.  Each session is 12 weeks long and is led by a live instructor.  Students begin in their Intro to Programming Class and progress up.  If a child has already had some exposure to coding, they do have a placement test they can take.  While CodeWizardsHQ offers classes to all students, they do have a special offer for homeschool students with flexible class times during the day and even a lower per-student price based on the number of students in the class.  (Preferred class sizes are 6-8 students.)   

coding classes for kids
Allie recently got to demo one of their live classes.  Afterwards she said, “It was super funny and very organized.  The instructor taught it really well and helped us when we needed it.  He explained how to use the [HTML] editor and what all the abbreviations mean.  He also had us figure out how to change some code.”
coding classes for kids
She enjoyed being in a class with other homeschooled students and being able to interact with them throughout the class as well.  While most of the kids were too shy to talk and just used the messenger, I imagine that as the class progressed they would become more comfortable.  
At the end of the class she had a finished product and link that she could share with family.  She was very proud of the comic she created.  (Click the link above to see the full comic)
coding classes for kids
In addition to a live class setting with an instructor, you also have access to help 24/7.  Even though this was a demo class, they still reached out to us afterward to see if she had any questions about what was taught.  
I really liked that the instructor had the kids actively doing something the majority of the class period and that they had a finished product at the end to give them a sense of accomplishment and a desire to continue.  
Your child will need a quiet place for the hour they are in class.  This was probably the hardest part for us as we had five other children at home that I had to banish upstairs and remind to keep quiet so she could focus and not be distracted.  
Others on the Crew were in different sessions with different instructors, so feel free to read through more reviews to get a more complete feel for what CodeWizardsHQ offers.  They also have a Facebook group for parents whose kids are interested in learning to code that you can check out here.

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