homeschool diploma review

Have an Awesome Homeschool Kindergarten Graduation-Homeschool Diploma Review

Homeschool Diploma is a company that works to ensure that your homeschool graduation, whether from Kindergarten, Junior High, or High School, is a memorable occasion for your student and family.  We received their Kindergarten Cap, Gown, Tassel and Diploma package to review, as Olivia will complete Kindergarten this year.

homeschool diploma review kindergarten graduation

Homeschool Diploma Ordering Options

For the kindergarten gown, we were able to choose from three available colors: red, white, and blue. 

We were also given the option of including the V-stole in white or gold.  We chose a blue gown with white v-stole. 

You also get to choose the color of your tassel, for which there are myriad options.  We choose a blue and white tassel to match the gown, but we could have just as easily chosen her favorite color pink. 

The last thing you get to choose is the tassel charm, which once again comes with many options.  We chose to go with the ‘bling’ charm because we felt it suited Olivia’s personality.

Kindergarten graduation cap and gown

Include a Kindergarten Diploma

You also have the option of including a diploma.  I love that the kindergarten diploma is fun and colorful to appeal to five and six year old’s.

Kindergarten Graduation Set: Cap, Gown, Tassel and Diploma

Hassle-Free Ordering from Homeschool Diploma

The ordering process was fairly straight forward and easy. 

They have a sizing chart available to help you determine the size of the gown you need.  The gown fit as indicated.

Shipping was quick and our whole process was hassle free. 

Homeschool Kindergarten Graduation Celebration

We will hold an end-of-the year party with family and friends and celebrate everyone finishing the school year. 

We’ll have refreshments and let each of the kids show off something they did this year they are proud of. 

Olivia will get to wear her cap and gown and receive her diploma.  I know it will make her feel special to be dressed fancy.

homeschool diploma review-kindergarten graduation set

Mark Important Milestones with Homeschool Diploma

As homeschoolers, it is important to help our children mark these milestones. 

When my oldest finished eighth grade, she was looking forward to a ceremony similar to her old junior high.  Unfortunately, our state’s homeschool organization for junior high graduation fell at the same time as her youth camp and so she had to miss it. 

I could tell that she felt she was missing out. 

We did our best to still make it special for her–a new dress and a nice dinner out to mark the occasion. 

I wish I had known Homeschool Diploma existed because then I could have gotten their Junior High diploma to present to her.  Our children work hard and sometimes they need that extra bit of fanfare to show them we recognize their effort.

Eighth Grade homeschool Diploma

When Allie completes eighth grade next year, I will give her the option of getting an official looking diploma, just like her friends will be receiving.

When Raena graduates high school in two years, I fully intend to hold a graduation ceremony complete with cap, gown, and diploma.  I like knowing that I can get all of it at Homeschool Diploma

And, their selection of colors for high school gowns is much more expansive, which means if she wants she can get the same color as the high school where she attends choir and seminary. 

They also carry class rings which I’m excited to help her shop for next year.

Homeschool Diploma High School Diploma

Others on the Crew reviewed the eighth grade and high school products. If you have a child in those grades or soon to be, check them out. 

kindergarten graduation cap and gown

If you are interested in seeing the other two colors of kindergarten gowns, there is also the possibility that another reviewer chose a different color. 

You may also get ideas for how to celebrate these milestones for your own children.

Homeschool Diploma

Check out my post on How to Plan a Meaningful Homeschool Graduation for your Senior.

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