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Words of Advice to Encourage the New Homeschooling Mom

Inside: Words of advice and encouragement for the new homeschooling mom. Free inspirational printables.

I used to tell people, somewhat jokingly, if they ever wanted to have all their weaknesses shouted at them on a daily basis, they should consider homeschooling.

Homeschooling is a Journey of Growth

When you begin homeschooling, you begin a journey of growth for yourself also. And growth is not always comfortable. In fact, sometimes it can be outright awful as we learn to surrender and open ourselves to becoming what God would have us become.

As we become better at trusting God to shape and mold us as he sees fit, we can become the {homeschool} mom we were always meant to be.

encourage and advice for new homeschooling mom

The key is to remember God gives us weaknesses to make us stronger. He always provides a way for us to improve. Our job is to make sure we don’t miss the opportunity for growth because we are listening to the lies of the Adversary telling us we can never improve.

Christ’s Atonement means change is always possible. And as we enact the enabling power of the Atonement we can strive tomorrow to be better than we are today. That striving, that desire to be better and do better, is the part that matters.

The Lord sees our effort and blesses us for it.

Don’t Let Doubts Distract You from Homeschooling

Regardless of if you are a new or veteran homeschool mom, there will come a time when you doubt your ability to teach your children. Perhaps you are already unsure of your ability.

Perhaps you’ve bought into the lie only “real” teachers are capable of instructing your children. It is important to recognize that lie for what it is. You are the best teacher for your child.

In fact, you are the only one who can receive personal revelation from the Lord about what your specific child needs. But even knowing that sometimes doubt can creep in.

When my oldest was ready to begin high school I was confident in our choice to continue homeschooling. I was surrounded by veteran homeschool moms who had successfully homeschooled high school and I was inspired by them.

I could do this!

Advice and encouragement for the new homeschooling mom
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A month into our school year we moved. Our new area was lacking homeschool families in general, and the ones that existed contained only younger children.

I suddenly felt very alone in my decision to homeschool through high school. When the hiccups came, and there were many, my resolve wavered.

By the end of the year, I was convinced I had absolutely failed my daughter and I could, in fact, not homeschool high school.

I began frantically researching online schools for my daughter to take summer classes to earn the credits for the work we had done so she could enroll at the local school come fall. (Our states high schools don’t accept homeschool credits.)

Remember Why You Chose to Homeschool

My loving husband patiently listened to all my concerns and fears I had failed. And then he counseled me to remember why we chose to continue homeschooling. Those reasons hadn’t changed.

The Lord called us to homeschool. And the Lord will qualify those whom He calls. I simply needed to take a deep breath, be patient, and remember to rely on the Lord.

That summer at our homeschool convention I followed the high school track where Lee Binz was speaking. By the end I came home once again reassured I could do this. (And I picked up her book for some encouragement along the way!)

It’s normal to experience doubts about your abilities. Just remember to doubt your doubts! With the Lord’s help, you can do this!

Remember to Keep Perspective

advice for new homeschooling mom

There are so many wonderful benefits to homeschooling, including increased flexibility and the ability to follow passions undaunted. Still, sometimes we wonder if the grass is greener on the other side.

We once lived where we were the only homeschool family at our church. The public schools nearby were very good and the families at church were very involved in them.

At any social event the moms would chat about the play their child was in or the school trip their kid was taking. Or any of the other amazing electives and opportunities their children were participating in.

It was very tempting to want to be part of that in-crowd and feeling like we were missing out on something.

Likewise, when my oldest started high school I wondered if she was missing out on the myriad clubs and organizations she probably would have joined had she attended public school.

The truth is, there is always something you are going to miss out on.

We have found ways to make sure our children have those experiences that really matter to them. And truly, even though there are things they miss out on, they pale in comparison to all the things they get to do because we homeschool.

Remember to keep your perspective.

Homeschooling is not about being able to do it all. It’s being able to do those things that matter most. It about building relationships and developing character.

Some Call It Destiny

Don’t Fall Prey to the Comparison Trap

Related: How to Overcome the Comparison Trap {Printable}

Roosevelt had it right when he said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” And yet, we still do it. Resist with all you have to comparing yourself, your children, and your homeschool to those around you.

It can be easy to see another homeschooling mom and think she has it all together. Or to feel like that other family is so much better at doing nature study. To be sure that mom’s kids never complain or dawdle when doing schoolwork. And you know dinner at her house always happens on time and is never cereal.

Often we feel like we are the only ones who have kids that don’t listen, or whose house is messy. The truth is we are all trying our best. Each of us has things we struggle with. While we are very aware of our own struggles and weaknesses, we are often not privy to those of others around us.

I remember in my younger mothering years spending hours cleaning and then apologizing for how messy my home looked because I didn’t want other moms to realize that was the best it got.

encouragement for homeschooling moms

Then one day I had a friend come over when my home was in a more natural state and tell me, “I’m so glad your house is messy.” Why? Because her house was also messy.

We both had many little ones underfoot and there were constantly cheerios on the floor. This was real life! And that mess bonded us. We could be real with one another because we knew we were both imperfect housekeepers.

(In fact as I type this, there is cereal on my floor because the two year old thinks it’s fun to scatter feed the baby.)

The truth is someone else’s best is always going to look better when we are comparing it to our worst. Remember while you are wishing you could be like that other mom, she is wishing she could be like you.

You Can Do Hard Things–Even Homeschool!

Homeschooling is not always easy. The best things seldom are. But you can do hard things!

You can homeschool even when it’s hard and you feel discouraged. And you will feel discouraged at times. You will question whether or not it is all worth it.

During those times when doubts surface and fears arise, remember why you chose to homeschool. Remember not to judge your progress on how things went one day, or one week, or even one year. Homeschooling is about the big picture.

It takes time to shape and mold young hearts and minds. These are not things that can be accomplished quickly. They require digging in for the long haul and keeping an eternal perspective.

I like to liken Paul’s advice in Philippian’s to my homeschool,

“I can do all things {homeschool} through Christ who strengthens me.”

You too, can do all things homeschool. Even when you feel all your weaknesses are being shouted at you. Stay true to your course and keep your eyes on the Lord. The Lord will be your guide and in the end it will all be worth it.

I can do all things {homeschool} through Christ who strengthens me quote
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Karen @ Tots and Me…Growing Up Together –  A Peek into Our Homeschool

Cassie D @ Deputie TribeHomeschooling 6 Taking Care of YOU
Kristen Heider @ A Mom’s Quest to Teach Theme: A Quest for a Great Homeschool Year
Patti Pierce – Truth and Grace Homeschool AcademyMy Favorite Homeschooling Things 
Wendy @ Life on Chickadee Lane5 Days of Nature Study
Jacquelin @ A Stable BeginningHomeschooling my final 4 

Christine @ Life’s Special NecessitiesYes! You Can Homeschool Your Special Needs Child

Sally M – Tell the Next GenerationTips for Homeschooling Struggling Learners 

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  1. Yes! It is all worth it. I am so glad we are homeschooling.

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