Boundary Stone Economics

Boundary Stone Self-Paced Homeschool Economics Curriculum Review

Inside: Review of online self-paced homeschool economics curriculum from Boundary Stone. GIVEAWAY of Boundary Stone Government & Economics Homeschool Bundle and Discount Code.

This is a sponsored post. I received compensation for my time and honest review.

There’s no getting around it. If you want your teen to have a better understanding of how the world works, then you want them to take an economics course. One like the online self-paced homeschool Basic Economics Course Bundle from Boundary Stone.

self-paced online homeschool economics course boundary stone

What Sets Boundary Stone’s Homeschool Economics Curriculum Apart?

I love economics. It’s what I majored in. But let’s face it, economics taught straight from a textbook, regardless of the text, is usually dry and boring. A surefire way to kill what I think is a rather interesting subject.

Boundary Stone’s homeschool Economics curriculum is more than your bland textbook. Incorporating online lessons, videos, and outside reading, in addition to the use of the Basic Economics, 4th ed. textbook by Clarence B. Carson, students get a more engaging experience.

My daughter found the inclusion of videos, such as those from EconPop, added an element of entertainment which made her lessons more enjoyable. I even found her sharing the video explaining economic principles in the Lego Movie with her sister.

Boundary Stone Basic Economics course

And isn’t that what we want? Our children sharing what they’ve learned because they found it interesting?

Self-Paced Homeschool Economics Curriculum

Boundary Stone is a self-paced homeschool economics curriculum. In the downloadable Teacher’s manual, there is a syllabus for the course. If you follow the syllabus, you will finish the course in one semester. However, you can choose to go at a slower pace and finish it over the course of a year.

It can also be paired with their self-paced Basic American Government course bundle for a full high school credit.

Boundary Stone self-paced online homeschool Basic American Government and Basic Economics Courses

For the most part, my daughter follows the syllabus for what should be done in a day. Right now we have a four-day schedule and she is able to easily adapt the syllabus to her schedule.

The online lessons keep track of where she is making it easy to pick up from where she left off. Once she has completed everything in the lesson, she can mark it complete.

When she does quizzes, I am sent an email with her quiz score.

A Homeschool Economics Course with a Christian Worldview

The homeschool economics course from Boundary Stone follows the premise that 1) we have rights, 2) those rights come from God, and 3) we need to protect our God-given rights. The course material is not overtly religious nor does it subscribe to a particular religion. However, it’s philosophy is based on the premise that our rights come from God.

For those who are familiar with The Law by Frederic Bastiat, you may recognize his teachings. Students will study his work early in the course.

My Thoughts on the Self-Paced Online Homeschool Economics Curriculum from Boundary Stone

Allie has been working through the Basic Economics self-paced online course for the last few weeks.

This self-paced course fits perfectly into my daughter’s high school schedule. With five younger siblings floating around, it is important to me she’s able to navigate her courses herself. Of course, I’m always ready to step in and clarify or field questions, but I need her to be responsible for her own learning.

She logs in, watches any videos, does the assigned reading and then completes any questions, reflection questions or quizzes.

A Better Understanding of the World

As I mentioned above I love economics and I have enjoyed being able to have economic discussions with my daughter as she works through the material.

Allie confessed the class is more interesting than she was expecting. In fact, it’s become her favorite subject! She has also found working through the lessons has helped her to have a better understanding of the current issues plaguing the news.

online homeschool economics course

She has been able to see how a firm foundation and understanding of economics could curb many of the issues being faced. And more importantly why it’s vital to protect the rights of individuals.

She found the section which discusses The Law by Frederic Bastiat to be enlightening and was excited when she received a perfect score on the quiz. The Law is just one of the assigned readings in the course. Later on, she will also read, “Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?” by Richard Maybury.

She also discovered she isn’t looking forward to doing taxes for real after working on the mini-budget project for the course.

Government Bias

One thing to note, Allie mentioned the textbook itself is rather neutral in regards to its support or lack of support towards government involvement. This is what I prefer because it allows the student to arrive at their own conclusions.

Some of the third-party videos included in the lessons, however, are not neutral and strongly support minimal government involvement. At times, she felt this came across as being anti-government. This is actually a very popular stance among economists who subscribe to the Austrian school of economics.

I recommended she focus on the economic principles being taught and take the rest with a grain of salt.

Self-paced homeschool economics course boundary stone

Free Boundary Stone Mini-Courses

As part of the homeschool economics course through Boundary Stone, students participate in a course-long budget project. They work on this project once a week. In it, they come up with a salary for a job they are hoping to pursue and then track expenses, such as rent, food, etc. They also learn about taxes and how to deduct them from earnings.

On the Freebies Page, you can download two mini-courses. One is the Budget Project Mini-Course and the other is The Law Mini-Course. They also have a section called Dinner Table Economics that will soon be available.

If you are wanting to get an idea of what their courses are like (or brush up on your own economic knowledge–I recommend The Law course) you can enroll in the free mini-courses.

If you are looking for a homeschool economics course, look no further than the online self-paced Basic Economics Course bundle from Boundary Stone.

(*They also have a co-op bundle available!)

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