Why You Wear A Face Mask

Anniversary Date

RJ and I celebrated our 17th anniversary this past Wednesday.  We celebrated by waking up really early and heading to the temple.  Despite that, we were still late to the session we were trying to make.  Instead of also getting to go to breakfast, we got to spend some extra time in the temple, which is always welcome.

The rest of the day was rather busy.  Ellawyn and Olivia had softball games, Haydn had scouts, and Raena and Allie had their camp meeting.  So we did our usual divide and conquer.

Softball Accident

Just after I dropped Haydn off at scouts, I got a text from RJ that Ellawyn took a pretty fast line drive to the face.

They sat and watched Olivia’s game to give her time to rest and recover.  Sadly, she started throwing up about twenty minutes later.  So he grabbed Olivia out of her game and headed to Urgent Care to check for a concussion.

Olivia was very concerned about the fact that she was going to miss snack.  She kept thinking up ways the whole time they were there about how they might possibly make it back in time for her to get her rainbow popcorn.

At one point, RJ told her, “We don’t play softball for the snacks.”  To which she emphatically corrected him, “Yes, we do!”

When you are six, softball is all about the snacks.  She was given a Gatorade at the hospital, which pacified her.

After some uncomfortable poking and prodding, the doctor declared Ellawyn concussion free and told her to take it easy for a few days.

Unfortunately for her, she started running a fever Friday and had to miss her game Saturday.  She’s quite ready to be back on the field.  We’re just hoping to convince her to wear her face mask for positions other than pitching.

If you have a daughter playing softball start her wearing a face mask as soon as she is out of coach pitch!  The sooner she starts, the more accustomed to it she will be.   Concussions are no joke.

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