BookShark Science

Kids Will Love BookShark Hands-On Science Curriculum

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by BookShark Science. I was compensated for my time and honest opinion of BookShark Science Level D.

The minute the Science Supplies Kit from BookShark Science opens, all other activity stops. Suddenly, my children are congregating around whichever sibling is lucky enough to be doing an experiment. It doesn’t matter if the sibling is older or younger, if they understand the science behind it or not, their curiosity is piqued.

To my kids, science experiments are the sole reason you study science.

BookShark Science hands-on science

BookShark Hands-On Science Curriculum

This is one of the reasons I love BookShark Science. Their science curriculum has a built-in hands-on science experiment day. The best part–for me at least–the Science Supplies Kit contains the materials needed for the experiments! Occasionally, you are asked to contribute an item, but usually for something easily on hand–like water or dish soap.

I hate when experiments get put off because I forgot to pick up supplies. And my kids do too. With the Science Supplies Kit, I don’t have to worry about that. It’s just open and go.

My daughter has been working through BookShark Science D and every week she looks forward to her experiment day. The experiments in the Discover & Do Science book are clearly laid out and easy to follow. All supplies are on hand and all we have to do is start.

BookShark Science experiment

Her siblings usually gather around to watch or observe for some or all of it depending on the nature of the experiment. And because they are interested in the experiment, it provides opportunities for her to share what she’s learning, for younger siblings to learn something new, and for older siblings to share their knowledge. The whole family benefits.

Truely an Open & Go Science Curriculum

Aside from the hands-on science aspect, BookShark Science is easily one of the best open-and-go curriculums. Each week and day is clearly laid out. I know exactly what we’re doing as soon as I open my binder. There’s also a small box with what I might need to prepare for the upcoming week so I can plan ahead. But really, there’s hardly any prep work on my part.

BookShark Science homeshcool curriculum

All the materials–lesson plans, books, worksheets, lab supplies–are all included with the curriculum. If you are worried about finding time to fit in science, then consider BookShark Science. It really doesn’t get easier than this.

Reasons to Love BookShark Science

Let me share a little more about BookShark Science and why it’s a good fit for our family.

First, I love that it is literature-based. And with books that are engaging, well-done, and fun to read. Nothing ruins a subject more than a tedious and lackluster textbook. My daughter wants to read her science books. That’s important to me.

BookShark literature-based science curriculum

Next, BookShark Science follows the new and updated Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Because of this, I know that my children are following a top-quality curriculum.

Last, it is honestly, one of the best open-and-go curricula I have come across. For multiple children, this is great. And, because their science covers an age range, if your children fall within the same range, you can use the same level for multiple children. I love when subjects can be done together as a family.

Other Things to Know About BookShark Science

In the arena of other information you may want to know, is that BookShark is a secular curriculum. This means it follows a faith-neutral approach.

And lastly, it is a 4-day curriculum. Students reading and worksheets are done the first four days, with day 5 set aside for the experiment. This works great for me because I’m never surprised by a mid-lesson science experiment.

BookShark Science lesson

New for 2021: BookShark Virtual

When you pair BookShark print curriculum with a Virtual seat, parents and students get cool online features like assessment, grading, and accountability—accessible via mobile or desktop!

The best way to understand BookShark Virtual is to try it yourself. The first three weeks of every Virtual course are available for free just like the Instructor’s Guide samples always have been (here).

Watch the demo videos to get your bearings, and then take it for a spin. Let your child take a peek, too!

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