Personalized amazing name adventure

Personalized Amazing Name Adventure {CrossTimber Review}

I was excited for the opportunity to review Your Amazing Name–Personalized Adventures for EVERY Name from CrossTimber–Name Meaning Gifts. As a parent my husband and I spent a great deal of thought and prayer considering each of our children’s names. We knew that Lenora would love an amazing name adventure all about her and why we named her Lenora.

Personalized animated adventure for your child's name

Our Personalized Name Adventure

CrossTimber generously gifted us a thirty minute animated video that explored the meaning of our daughter Lenora’s name. We began by filling out a form that included the spelling of her name, her favorite color and animal, age, address, etc. We also uploaded some of her artwork and a personal message from us.

All of this information was used to create a video that was geared specifically toward Lenora.

We chose to use her first and middle name in the adventure, even though the name meaning only applied to her first name.

About the Name Adventure Video

The video began with a piece of her artwork floating into a bedroom through an open window. Her name could be found in multiple places in the bedroom–a pillow, blocks, toy chest, suit cases, etc. Everywhere you looked, her name was prominent.

(This is not from Lenora’s video)
personalized adventure for every name

You then meet Ben, a talking pencil, who after commenting on her artwork, wrote her name on it. He then turned it into a rocket ship to go on an adventure to find out the meaning of her name.

CrossTimber amazing name video

In outer space, you meet four stars. They quote some scripture about the importance of names, compliment her name, and then Ben spelled her name again.

CrossTimber name video

The stars send you to see Mr. Owl to learn more about your name. While there, a “spelling” bee flies by spelling her name again.

personalized name meaning

Mr. Owl talks about his family tree, which is full of puns. Lenora was not quite old enough to appreciate these, but the rest of our family really liked this section.

personalized amazing name adventure

Meaning of Name

Mr. Owl then told Lenora the origin of her name.

meaning of Lenora

From there you travel to see a sheep named Rescued. Rescued talks about the meaning of her name and quotes scripture about how Christ is the good shepherd and knows each of us by name.

meaning of name--amazing name adventure

Then Mr. Owl shows a letter that she received from her parents. He reads our name and then shows the envelope with her address on it. This is a great way to help little kids learn their parents names and address.

After that, the letter that we wrote to her gets read. I loved that I could include a special note about why we gave Lenora her name and what it meant to us. This was probably my favorite part. It made the video all the more special to be able to include that personal touch and sweet note to our daughter.

At the end of the letter is the Amazing Name Gift, which shows the meaning of her name. It also includes a scripture that goes along with the meaning.

meaning of Lenora

In the end credits, we were able to include a picture of Lenora, which they show with her name once again.

personalized animated amazing name adventure about the meaning of child's name

Personalized Name Activity Pages

In addition to the personalized video, personalized activity pages were also included. The activities were of varying difficulty levels, which means they can grow with her.

CrossTimber activity page

My oldest daughter actually spent quite a bit of time on one of the activities that had you search for hidden books of the Bible. She eventually found them all and had fun searching.

Lenora’s Reaction to Her Personalized Amazing Name Adventure

Lenora just turned three, so this video came at the perfect time for her birthday.

The first time they said her name in the video, her eyes got so big! She was so surprised and excited that they were talking about her.

amazing name adventure

She loved her special video that was just about her.

I will admit that the section in the middle with Ben and Mr. Owl, which is mostly puns, didn’t hold her attention as well. Mainly because she is not old enough to catch the jokes or references, so she didn’t get the humor. Therefore, is was just a lot of talking and not much happening. The rest of us enjoyed that section, though.

This is a video that she will continue to enjoy!

Special Importance

Lenora’s name is so special to me because she was named after her great-grandmother who passed away during my pregnancy with her. I wanted Lenora to have something that could share just how wonderful her name is.

I had never looked up the actual meaning behind her name, but it is absolutely perfect for her. I am so happy that she has this special video, that we were able to personalize. This will become something that she cherishes.

Everyone Want an Amazing Name Adventure

We watched Lenora’s video as a family. All of my kids thought it was really neat. Many of them requested their own video–including my two teens!

This was a product we loved!

The videos are all personalized, so while this was Lenora’s adventure, other Crew members have different amazing name adventures to share. Be sure to check them out!

Watch this sample video here and then enter to win your own!


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