teach creative writing

Teach Creative Writing Easily with Bardsy Homeschool

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Bardsy Homeschool. I received free access in exchange for an honest review.

For some students, the creative juices flow freely from mind to paper. For others, their mind turns as blank as the paper taunting them. Teaching creative writing in your homeschool can be a challenge regardless of a student’s natural ability. Bardsy Homeschool aims to take the challenge out of teaching creative writing in your homeschool. Their unique approach streamlines the process gently guiding students to success.

Teach creative writing with Bardsy homeschool

Easily Teach Creative Writing with Support from Bardsy Homeschool

Bardsy Homeschool takes the pain and guesswork out of how to teach creative writing in your homeschool.

They provide the tools students need to learn creative writing. You provide the support and guidance to help your child be successful.

As a parent, you have the freedom to utilize any of the worksheets or videos to help your student with their writing. Everything you need to help your child be successful is there.

How Bardsy Homeschool Helps Resistant Writers

For many students, creative writing feels like an overwhelming process. They stare at the blank page and don’t know where to start. Or perhaps they have an avalanche of ideas but feel stressed about the executive process of organizing and writing them all down. And sometimes, it’s a struggle for children to fully flesh out their ideas, providing the details that will bring a story to life.

For my son, it’s a combination of all these things. He is an avid reader who loves getting lost in a good book, but the thought of creating his own story is enough to leave him in tears.

From informative teaching videos to different types of worksheets, Bardsy’s method makes the creative process less painful with help and guidance every step of the way.

Bardsy Homeschool storytelling video

Spark Creative Writing Ideas

One of the very first things my son complains about when having to do a creative writing assignment is coming up with an idea. It’s as though his imagination turns off and he can’t think of a single idea.

Under the Spark category, he can use the Story Spinner to generate ideas to write about.

Bardsy homeschool prospero

Guidance with Prospero AI Writing Program

Once he has his idea, he can go to Prospero to begin writing. Prospero is an AI writing program that helps guide students through the creative writing process.

They begin by giving their story a working title and then they can choose from a series of worksheets to help them flesh out their ideas.

bardsy homeschool creative writing worksheets

Once they have chosen the worksheets they feel will best help them, then they move on to developing their ideas by filling them out. They can choose as many or as few worksheets as they want.

creative writing worksheets for homeschool

Students can fill in all of a worksheet or parts. They are also given freedom to be as in depth as they want. The more details they give, the easier the next step becomes.

teach creative writing in your homeschool

Prospero then takes all the answers they wrote on the worksheets and color codes them by what part of the story they relate to: world, character, conflict, theme, or plot.

Students can move them onto the rough draft to begin writing, or they can use them as an outline to help write the story.

Finally, they can transfer to the editor to write the whole story. Once they are done, they can be published and shared for others to read.

how to write superheroes

Bardsy Homeschool for the Naturally Talented Writer

If you have a child who has no shortage of ideas and is constantly writing, they will also like and benefit from Bardsy Homeschool. The tools in Prospero can help them to become better writers.

In the Utility section, they have access to tools such as the Hot Tray, which allows them to keep a to-do list, notes, journal, and calendar. There is also a place to keep track of their reading and access the current story they are working on.

In addition, they can utilize the videos to help them become better storytellers.

These tools will help your aspiring writer to organize their ideas.

Free Downloadable Character Development Toolkit from Bardsy

free super character creation kit from bardsy

The Super Character Creation Kit is a free mini-course that is a great way to see Bardsy in action. Using familiar superheroes, this mini-course walks your student through how to create a super character. This course is also available to members.

learn how to write superheroes

If you want to get an idea of whether Bardsy Homeschool will work for you, this is a good place to start.

Bardsy Homeschool Monthly Membership

Already know Bardsy Homeschool is right for you? For a limited time, their monthly membership is ONLY $8.99 and you can cancel at any time. Whether your student only needs a quick refresher or more in-depth creative writing help, you get to decide how long that is. Enroll for as long (or short) as you need.

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